Tag Archives: Stretching Machine

Hong Kong Singer Hins Cheung Uses A Stretching Machine To Grow Taller

Hong Kong Singer Hins Cheung Uses A Stretching Machine To Grow Taller

Stretching Machine To Grow TallerI do frequent the forums and discussion boards on the internet where people find interesting tidbits and stories of things related to height and endeavors at height increase. Something that was sort of interesting was one story linked by someone in one of the forums which showed an article written back in 2008 about this Hong Kong Singer named Hins Cheung. I’ve never been to Hong Kong or know much about the Asian entertainment scene so this is the first time I ever even knew this guy existed.

Update: This story was first published in The New Paper on July 24, 2008.

It seems that this guy who was around 27-28 back then was using some type of body stretching machine to try to increase his height. From the article which was published on Asia One News (Read the story here). I did take the liberty to clip a picture of the article in case the article or webpage is lost.

Hins Cheung

It says that the singer was around 1.73 meters tall which would translate to around 5′ 8″ which is actually not too short based on asian standards. I am not sure but I would guess that the Chinese average male height is probably around the 5′ 7″- 5′ 9″ range.

The claim made by the singer Hins Cheung was that after using this device for maybe a year or so he has managed to gain around 3 cms of height, which is slightly more than 1 inch. Of course the article claims that he diligently uses the machine every day for 30 minutes to stretch his arms and legs. I quote the guy saying the following “Now, no matter how busy my schedule gets, I make it a point to use it every day”

The name of the product is called ‘zheng gao xie dian‘ or ‘gain height shoe shop‘.{I couldn’t find anything about this device online.  Maybe it’s a translation issue and it’s actually distraction osteogenesis?  Without seeing the device it’s hard to evaluate-Tyler}

The author suggests in the article that this Chinese singer is obsessed with height. He feels uncomfortable onstage with taller male performers. That would definitely be some sort of inferiority complex. The reasoning he gives was his mother who would compare his size to his cousins when he was young. It might have caused some type of strange body dysmorphic syndrome

What I personally find very interesting is why this guy who has so much wealth, fame, and influence still have that type of issue. My personal desire to become taller was sort of some type of mental complex used as a overcompensation ego technique that I was not as intellectually gifted as I wished to be. Of course every one of us has our own little insecurities and demons to deal with.

The author of the article shows that apparently Hins is already at the “height” (great pun) of his field. This guy was a former recording studio engineer and released his album first back in 2002. Clearly he has done extremely well with many adoring female fans.

However the article revealed that he would never feel comfortable with dating a taller female. That is quite interesting. I would suggest that maybe he has issues with his own masculinity which seems to be too much connected to his size.

The end of the article reveals that he has thought about the limb lengthening surgery and would indeed go through with it if the chance presented to him. The rational was that the Chinese market was very competitive and going under the knife was a logical step for anyone trying to look better (aka become taller)

Quoted from him…

‘In competitive China, money can buy many things. If one can afford to pay for plastic surgery to make himself look better, there is no crime in it….And I agree with this view. If there’s anything that I feel needs to be changed later down the road, I would not rule out plastic surgery….In my line, it is common and almost a form of respect that even males put on makeup.'”

Of course our question to this adult man who is considering going through surgery to improve his appearance is this. Can you handle the amount of pain involved? Can you just suspend or stall an entire singer and writing career at least 8 months of your entire life to dedicate yourself to increase only the height?