Author Archives: Senior Researcher

Why I Believe Alexander Teplyashin Got The Stem Cell Technique To Successfully Work – Game Changing Post!

Why I Believe Alexander Teplyashin Got The Stem Cell Technique To Successfully Work – Game Changing Post!

Update June 1st, 2014: This is the 1st of a two post series where I reveal in detail how this Russian based beauty clinic doing testing on stem cells finally put all the pieces of tissue engineering together to get an implanted stem cell embedded scaffold to turn into a new growth plate which is re-implanted into a bone to get bones to grow longer again. For more information on the actual clinic and the scientific references of the main surgeon, refer also to the 2nd post in the series, Available Here.

Guys, this is one of the big news I am going to release in the coming months. This is just ONE of the many game changers you guys are going to be seeing.  This is one of the major stories that is worth releasing. You guys can look forward to a real alternative to LLS.

This week, I have gotten messages from two people questioning the stem cell technique of height increase which was claimed to be successful by the Russian Scientist Alexander Teplyashin. I wrote about this guy already in two posts linking his work to stem cells used for increasing height in adults.

While one of them ask whether the technique was effective, the other claimed that they believe that he was successful. Based on my research, I agree with him. This post is one of the biggest things to ever come out, and I think we need to accept the implications of such news. There may be a scientific push in innovation, but it is going to be associated with some serious medical ethics questions, dealing with the use of embryo derived stem cells, which is currently still illegal in the USA.

This Teplyashin guy probably did succeed with getting a stem cell scaffold implant to work. The problem is that this very controversial guy who was back in 2008-2010 getting a lot of international media coverage. In recent years the western world and the internet hasn’t gotten any information on him. I was able to find articles on this guy going as far back as the 2004-2005 time range.

The Make Me Taller forum had people talking about him back in 2012 in their thread “Russian scientists develop an alternative way of growing taller using step cells“. They thought it was a scam. It is NOT a scam. This guy is the real deal. You can just read the main link I put below in the PubMed study and you guys would realize that he was going the right type of research. That study was one of the “secret files” which I have archived in my research folder which I realized more than a year ago showed revolutionary implications to our goal. The thing is that I didn’t recognize or see the name of one of the authors on the top of it. The reason I didn’t see it was because the guy’s name was spelled differently, to Tepliashin AS, not the other way to spell it ‘Teplyashin“. His middle name probably starts with the letter S.

Side Note: The guy also claims to also have figured out how to use the stem cells to stop aging and give people youth but I think he is most likely exaggerating. However, there is one PubMed studies which was published by him and his team to show that they are quite serious at least on the research, at least partially (PubMed Study: Ways of reducing mortality following the surgical treatment of peptic ulcer in advanced middle aged and elderly patientsNote: The paper is in russian.)

If you guys want to do some searching on this guy type in “Teplyashin, AS” or “Tepliashin AS” into Google, Google Scholar, or Google Patents and you would find quite a bit of stuff on the guy. Remember that when one language is translated into another language, there can be various spelling variations to the name. Teplyashin and Tepliashin is the English/Romanic Language way of translating the Russian/Cyrilic Alphabet. (This is what would happen when the European and Asian immigrants would arrive in Ellis Island and Angel Island in the 19th century and the officer checking them in to their new home could neither pronounce their names or spell their names in their native tongue. aka Lost In Translation. They gave these immigrants a badly translated into english name, which would be spelled in multiple various ways)  If we were using a Russian/Cyrilic based biomedical scientific study & journal database, we would be able to type in his real name using the native letters. I studied a little bit of Russian in school so I understand at least how to pronounce the letters.

Here are about half a dozen PubMed studies I found which show that his team has been doing some SERIOUS research on exactly the right type of area to get the stem cell technique to work out.

What I have been proposing for an alternative to limb lengthening surgery on this website the last full year using tissue engineering and stem cells have already been done by these guys in Russia, maybe even as far back as 2009-2011. They figured out how to get the mesenchymal stem cells from either the bone marrow or fat tissue (aka adipocyte derived) or both sources to differentiate successfully to chondrocytes. They implanted it to a scaffold, which I have believed for a few months now the easiest to work with was the OPLA Scaffolds, which is industry standard for use with stem cells. When the differentiated chondrocytes start to excrete waste in the form of proteoglycans and other glycoaminoglycans forming the extracellular matrix of a completely new hyaline cartilage tissue layer, the scaffold which is biodegradable would just dissolve over time, leaving the cartilage. That is the new growth plate. Since the MSCs are taken from the patients own body aka endogenously, there is not going to be some type of immunological response where the patients body’s immune system would reject the implantation.

So does that mean that his clinics can indeed help adults who have fully closed growth plates grow taller?

Yes. His method of using stem cells is a real alternative to the limb lengthening method done by Dror Paley, Betz, and their proteges and students.

Limb Lengthening Surgery is no longer the only way to grow taller as an adult. This guy and his team has provided an alternative.

How can I be sure that he did succeed already?

Based on the following study published…

Guys, read the abstract to the link above. That is enough to tell you guys everything. This guy is for real, and he has the scientific team and experience to back up at least this claim about using scaffold implants.

For that study it was done on lab mice/rats but there seems to have been a lot of subsequent testing on mammals much closer in size to humans. (Here is the original source) The sources which talked about using the same technology on human bones said that the testing was done on sheep so this is not a normal lab test using small mammals like rats or rabbits. They used sheep. Sheep have long bones similar in shape and thickness as human leg bones. Sure, it might have been better if the lab animals were pigs, since pigs have almost the exact same physiology as humans, but regrowth of long bones longitudinally in sheep is very close. The study is quite conclusive in my opinion.

The following study is almost the exact same type of research that Warren Grayson from John’s Hopkins (with his 3-D Bioprinters) and Jean Welter of Case Western University (LinkedIn profile available here) have been doing, but he just took it to the next step. I have been tracking the research being done by Grayson and Welter for over half a year now and even wrote a post about Grayson’s work in relation to what we are trying to do. It is available in the post “Why Warren Grayson’s Research Will Be Revolutionary For Height Increasing Using Stem Cells For Tissue Reconstructive Engineering – Breakthrough!

The paper above proves that he succeeded in regrowing a working hyaline growth plate and implanted back in lab sheep and the legs started to grow longer again. When the results showed effectiveness, he set up shop to give the stem cell height increase technology to billionaire russians and their spouses. Maybe that New Jersey Net’s Russian Billionaire Owner used this guy’s technique to become 6′ 8″. Of course, maybe he didn’t and was always that tall.

Whereas in the USA, there are so many regulations by medical societies to make sure the patients of clinical trials are safe and protected, in places like Russia, China, South Korea, and the former Soviet Union they don’t seem to care. I am not sure if the people remember but there was a very famous South Korea researcher linked to Seoul National University who was found to have faked many data points back in the 2009-2011, a Dr. Hwang Woo Suk. Even the countries which are supposed to be good in terms of following scientific guidelines like Korea have failed too. These guys based in Russia, they push forward on the research where the other countries draw a line in ethics and morals. (It is similar to how Gavriil Ilizarov spent 30 years of his life to perfect the external frame method before unveiling his distraction osteogenesis technique to the western world during the end of the cold war era in the late 80s and early 90s. These guys didn’t give a crap about moral rules and just pushed forwards into research.)

Like I said before in the previous post on this guy, there were stories of barrels of dead aborted fetuses found in the Ural Mountain Range region linked to Teplyashin back in the 2004-2006 time from one source I found on this guy. It is very clear that he and the Russian researchers don’t give a crap about the rules imposed by the western world and USA especially. The use of using embryonic source derived stem cells is illegal in the USA and western countries. That is why many stem cell users go to Mexico and certain South American countries to get stem cells injections.

However, I am not sure who would be willing to go to Moscow to take a look at the clinics thought. Which regular readers of this website is really willing to find the beauty clinics in Moscow and report back to us on what they find?

As for the internet sources….

However, there is no news that is coming out of Russia on his Beauty Plaza clinic that can be found on Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing. If we instead maybe used Yandex and Rambler, and could actually type out his real name, there would be some useful information on this guy.

I am willing to give it a shot though. Refer to Romanic-Cyrillic Alphabet Phonetic Translator chart below.

TranslatorTranslator 2So    A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R       T-E-P-L-Y-A-S-H-I-N —–> is most likely going to require that we first go under the General Settings of our computer (Mac or PC), change the general language setting to “Russian” and then type the following into Yandex or Rambler based on English Keyboard–>Russian Keyboard Key Positions. It would start with something like “F-G-L-” I am not sure what the “X” would translate into for the English based keyboard though.

Like I said before in the recent posts, We ask help from the regular readers to translate many studies we have found in other languages, most especially Russian, Chinese, Korean, and German. There is also some Japanese and Farsi based studies but there will be less of those around.

I am willing to pay $100 for the full PDF to the study above but I ask for someone to help out to translate the bought article from Russian to English.

If you have gotten this far in the post, be sure to continue to read more on the details of the revolutionary stem cell technique in the 2nd post of this series. Click Here to read more.

Korean Plastic Surgeons Performing O Shaped Leg Curvature Correction Surgery For Genu Varum aka Bow Leggedness

Korean Plastic Surgeons Performing O Shaped Leg Curvature Correction Surgery For Genu Varum aka Bow Leggedness

O Shaped Leg Curvature Correction

Due to the nature of the website and research we look at, we see all sort of interesting cosmetic surgical procedures. This new one which the commenter William called “O Shaped Leg Surgery” is something which I forgot to mention on this website. It is something many people indeed go through to remodel their very bones to the shape that they desire.

So what is O Shaped Leg Surgery?

It turns that that there is this orthopedic condition medically called Genu Varum which is commonly known as Bow Legs or Bow Leggedness. Sometimes the condition can be confused with another type known as Blount’s Disease. The leg bones are curved into a “bow” shape. The curvature is usually most visibile in young kids who are toddlers, still going through massive growth. For most people, that curvature visible when they are young kids starts to go away as they reach their teenage years. Some kids though have very pronounced curvature.

imagesIt seems that if the kid who has Genu Varum is young enough, using a band and splint to slowly bend the leg bones would be enough. However, if the kid is too old, then surgery will be needed to correct for the curvature. The tibia or fibula would be cut and then bent. We found this before and after picture. Notice how what is considered attractive is where the legs go direct downwards. The legs which are bowed would create the “o” shape in the space between the legs.

The cosmetic surgical procedure corrects for the bending of the leg bones to make the legs look straight. I am guessing that from the legs being made straighter, they are also longer after the surgery. The result is that the person gains maybe 1-2 extra centimeters of height from the procedure.

So what is mentioned by the commenter is that after the surgery, the patients only need about a single week of recovery. How that is possible and how bones can be snapped into the straight shape is something I haven’t been able to figure out yet.

Bow Leggedness Correction DeviceApparently now there are even products being sold on Amazon to correct for bow leggedness. Refer to here to see what the non-surgical strap device looks like (Not an affiliate link).

For me, products like this leg strap is something which I will never understand why a person would want to use. Is the angled nature of the legs really that big of a problem?

I remember once going to see a local Orthopedic specialist in Seattle who happened to be Japanese himself. I asked him whether I was bow legged and he replied that for most people, there will be some slight bit of bone curvature. Bone curvature is normal. Having that perfect O Shaped Legs where the knees are not supposed to touch is actually uncommon.

This seems to be a real, serious problem which affects millions of young kids causing them to have abnormal walking gaits and slight deformed legs. If the surgery is done, the developing child would expect to not only have their medical condition resolved but also end up maybe a few centimeters taller.

Side Note:

The fact is that during my almost 2 years stay in living in the Gangnam area of Seoul, South Korea I remember seeing these huge posters in the subway stations of the Gangnam-Gu area like Apgujeong, Sinsa, and Gangnam. There are before and after pictures showing the lower legs of a young girl or men who has a slight bit of bow leggedness with the eyes blacked out from getting the surgery.

When you turn on the TV in Seoul or go to the movies in the previews, you are blasted with advertisement by half a dozen large plastic surgery clinics promoting the benefits of going under the knife to “improve” one’s appearance. It is so epidemic in Gangnam that I started to believe the advertisement after a certain point.

Korea Beauty ObsessionI took the time to clip a post written back in Oct of 2012 on another website about how the mother of an elementary school girl took her daughter to get surgery to become taller. The daughter was supposed to be put through some type of stretching machine. (Source)

It is totally possible that the reason I have become so accepting of the idea of limb lengthening surgery and other bone cutting surgery to alter one’s body shape is due to the fact that I was an expat living in the Plastic Surgery Capital of the world for a little too long. My own personal perception of what is considered ethically acceptable about cosmetic alterations has become skewed from seeing so many people walk past me in the last 2 years with changed appearances.

I don’t advocate doing surgery for everything but for this medical condition, I think it is worth looking into getting surgery.

This Easy To Find Over-The-Counter Supplement Pill Can Help Children Grow Taller

This Easy To Find Over-The-Counter Supplement Pill Can Help Children Grow Taller

Over-The-Counter Supplement Pill(Update 6/2/2014: I have had to add this disclaimer in the front after I finished talking to a representative who have been selling Collagen Type I and Type III extract based drinks for a beauty products company. I looked deeper into the scientific basis of the company’s claims and after realizing that their claims are unjustified by the science, I wondered whether my claims here was also unjustified based on jumping to conclusions too quickly. I think I did just that. After looking at more of the research on the efficacy of Collagen Type I extract (or based on this post, Calcium L-Threonate which can increase Collagen Type I expression) on chondrocyte proliferation, I do NOT think this pill will help adults with fully closed ossified growth plate increase in height, even minimally. However, I will stand by the claim that there will be some effect on children with intact epiphyseal hyaline cartilage. I was wrong and I made a mistake in the analysis, in jumping to the wrong conclusion. Refer to the study “Relationship between cell shape and type of collagen synthesised as chondrocytes lose their cartilage phenotype in culture.)

In the last post I had written that there was something I found which came as close to the real solution as it gets. The following post is NOT it, but something else that we should consider adding to the supplement cocktail. It is still a useful supplement to take, and has been shown to help young children avoid diseases that can be caused by low bone mineral density. What I am claiming is a very easy to obtain pill which would have quite noticeable effects with children who still have the ability to continue to grow in height, but it would also have some height increasing benefits inside adults as well. If we combined this easy to get over-the-counter supplement pill with the others that we have already researched and had found to be effective, it would only improve on the effectiveness of the overall pill cocktail. From the notes by other researchers, it seems to be safe to take orally.

I had said before in a previous post about how there is close to nothing left to talk about and nothing else to discover. That is actually true, at least when it comes to all English based sources. However, there are still some resources which have been written in the old Soviet Union in Russian, Chinese, and Germany articles which I have not been able to take a look at yet. This post is the direct result of research done in some lab in China. It is a good indicator that we need to figure out how to find resources written in other languages from other countries which have a good history of scientific research and documenting down their research. I can’t read any of the Russia, German, or Chinese based studies so we would ask that the readers who can to help us out in looking up scientific articles written in other languages.

There is in fact one study Tyler showed me a year ago from a Iranian/Persian group of doctors written in Farsi where a teenage boy managed to get his growth plates reopened or unfused due to a sports injury where the ankle was fractured. We tried for hours to get the Google Translator and Yahoo’s Babel Fish to translate it but neighter of them worked well enough for use to read.

Example: It was only through luck that I managed to track down the actual patent # that proved that the Japanese Ginza Kojima Height Increasing Machine was indeed real and legitimate, based on a real patent. (Click Here to see the pictures of the actual patent.) Their method on increasing a fully grown person’s height using minimally invasive methods is completely original and makes total sense from a physics perspective (Using a combination of centripetal force and IVD decompression). Like all good things though, even that Patent has its limits on what it can give a person in terms of height. But the Japanese based patent was real and was shown to be reasonably effective, as judged by me and Sky more than 6 years ago.

What did I actually find? There is a certain compound which seems to have the effect of increasing the thickness of both articular cartilage and epiphyseal cartilage by increasing the expression of Collagen Type I.

The source is from a patent I discovered in the Google Patent Database entitled “Calcium l-threonate for preventing or treating cartilage related diseases (Patent # EP 1458372 A1)“. These patents are often filed to various international organizations to not just cover the intellectual rights of the use of the patent in one country but in many countries. The other Patent # is WO 2003004012 A1

So what is this compound? Calcium L-Threonate

Bio-Calth Calcium L-ThreonateFor this patent, I did do a rather extensive analysis on it to see whether what they are claiming was accurate. Was I just reading too much into this patent and looking for validation on what I hoped was in it? Probably, but sometimes we have to make connections that are very weak. I believe that there is a positive correlation and a causal effect, but it is very weak.

You can get the L-Threonate from Here.

Chemical Properties:

Calcium L-Threonate Chemical CompoundComes in white powder form, has no odor, is soluble in water but not in alcohol based liquids. Written as C8H14O10Ca. 

From the Patent, they say that the compound can be made from first combining L-Ascorbic Acid with Water, and then adding Calcium Carbonate into the mixture. Hydrogen Peroxide was added to start the Acid-Base reaction, at a set temperature up to a certain time. Push the product from the chemical reaction through packed active charcoal to filter and do a chemical separations process

Is the compound safe?

It seems that the L-Threonate compared to other NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like Ibuprofen used to treat cartilage inflammation has less side effects. So it is safer than commonly prescribed prescription drugs. This might explain why the FDA allowed the compound to be allowed to be OTC or Over-The-Counter.

Dosage Requirements:

  • For an adult is typically between 0.5 g and 12 g per day, preferably between 3 g and 7 g per day. (Note: After doing some calculations, we found that for a person who weighs 150 lbs, they would need about 7 grams per day)
  • For children, the dosage may be decreased according to their weights

So What Is The Scientific Basis For Its Effectiveness?

The patent states that the Calcium L-threonate would have effects on collagen type I mRNA expression as well as a host of effects which I will just quote from below. (It has effects on articular cartilage, epipihyseal cartilage, chondrocyte hypertrophy, cartilage matrix generation, proteoglycan synthesis)

From the abstract…

“….It had been demonstrated by experiments that calcium L-threonate could improve significantly the positive expression percentage of collagen I mRNA in the chondrocyte and osteoblast, improved significantly the positive expression percentage of articular cartilage and epiphyseal cartilage, facilitated the growth of chondrocyte, increased the quantity of bone collagen, promoted the formation of bone and cartilage matrix and the synthesis of proteoglycan…”

Important: Now, we fully realize that the actual type of collagen found in hyaline cartilage and the epiphyseal cartilage is collagen type II. This compound would only increase Type I expression. Type I is actually the really, REALLY common type which is found in the human body. It is the same type as what women pay plastic surgeons to inject into their lips.

In the experiment the researchers took a total of 66 young lab rats and injected them with retinoic acid, which is a very well known compound which causes bone density loss and cartilage proteoglycan degeneration. 8 of those rats were use in a control group while the other 58 rats were put into 9 groups. Of the 9 groups, the chemical compound of normal saline, Caltrate-D, Calcium Citrate, Sodium hydroxyethyl phosphate, Calcium Citrate at 50 mg/kg of body weight, Calcium Citrate at 100 mg/kg of body weight, and 200 mg/kg of body weight.

The drugs were given to all groups except control for 10 weeks and fed a low Ca diet. After 10 weeks, the lower part of the right femur of each rat was extracted and analyzed.

Immunohistochemical stainingTo see the changes, there were immunohistological chemical assaying done using a chemical staining kit. If there was an increase in Collagen Type I expression, the bone and cartilage area would turn into a color of brown-yellow. The results can be seen in the Collagen Type I mRNA Expression of all 8 (wasn’t there supposed to be 9 groups??) sets. This is for the data from the immunohistochemical staining.

We note the difference between the Caltrate-D group and the Calcium L-Threonate group. Caltrate-D is just a brand name for a type of calcium supplement with very high levels of Vitamin D. When the rats were given caltrate-d, the chondrocytes actually started to ossify. Compare this to the Calcium L-Threonate,

For the group who got the Sodium hydroxyethyl phosphate, the chondrocytes did proliferate, but the chondrocytes seemed to be disorganized and started to clump together into osteoid groups (Bad sign).

It seems that for the 3 groups getting the Calcium L-Threonate, the effect “was helpful to the growth and development of epiphyseal cartilage and improved the process of autoskeleton in epiphyseal cartilage

Is the height gains permanent?

Unlike so many other techniques that have come out, the gains would be permanent, at least until the adult grow old and reaches their 50-60s and start to shrink again due to decreased collagen and proteoglycan levels in the IVDs. This is as permanent as it gets.

Why would the gains be permanent?

That is due to the fact that Calcium L-Threonate has more than just an effect on bones, or cartilage specifically, but both of them at the same time. The effect on bone is most pronounced. It increased the micro-circulation within the bones and reversed bone mineral density loss. This patent stated explicitly that

So what do you guys need to take away?

What the patent is actually doing is to claim an alternative, rather simple approach on making the Calcium L-Threonate. You’d need Ascorbic Acid, Hydrogen peroxide, Calcium Carbonate and water. as well as a heater of some kind. Of course, who would want to do that and put a chemical lab in their room?

The Chinese researchers tested 9 groups of lab rats and let them eat the chemicals. The leg bone of the rat was cut out after 10 weeks and tested to see how the difference in collagen expression and bone tissue accumulation and changes. The group with the L-Threonate had the biggest changes.

The patent states clearly that the supplement will be useful in treating and preventing cartilage-related diseases. Using a dosage of around 50-200 mg per kg of body weight would mean that the average 150 lb human would need about 7 grams of the compound for each dosage.

This compound would increase the level of Collagen Type I in the body in both children and adults. For children, it would have very noticeable effects, if one could ever do a real controlled type of scientific height increase test using identical twins. However, I don’t believe that type of experiment has ever been done.

For adults, the effect will be minimal, but for a certain minority of the adult population, it would actually let them increase in height, by upwards of a few millimeters. But you would want to combine it with other supplements we have already mentioned before. It will work best in a group.

Here is a link to Amazon where you can buy it if you want

Bio-Calth Calcium L-ThreonatePrice: Currently $25 on Amazon with Free Shipping if your order is over $35.

(Yes, it is an affiliate link. We get about $1 for every purchase the person makes through it.)

Note: The picture to the right is for the supplement sold by the reseller company BioCalth. On the product box right on the front, they actually directly reference two patent #s. They are….

  • Patent # 6077872 – This patent showed that Calcium L-Threonate can treat rickets in young kids. – Link Here
  • Patent # 6713513 B2 – This patent is the one we just talked about. – Link Here

It seems that the people from BioCalth specifically created and sold this supplement because they became aware of this China-based patent and saw a small market for people who wanted it.


Thoughts From One Of The Female Readers On Why She Wants To Be Taller

Thoughts From One Of The Female Readers On Why She Wants To Be Taller

Since the website started, I’ve gotten messages from dozens of people who have written their entire life story on how they dealt with the insecurity of feeling smaller than others. Most of them have been from young teenager men, who compare themselves to their school peers and wish to be more attractive to the female gender. However, there are also a few females who have messaged me.

This message was left by a person who calls herself “Z**” months ago.

Submitted on 2014/03/08 at 9:24 am

This was an interesting post. i can relate to the retired man who never gave up on his quest to be taller. Though I am a female, 30, i too never gave up. My obsession with being taller began around 15 or 16 when i wanted to be a model. I had been wearing about 2.5″ lifts from that age until I was about 22 until my foot started to hurt and wearing lifts were so inconvenient. They were hard to walk on and I could never go to someone’s home or do anythign that required me to take my shoes off or it would “expose” me. People who knew me then that i havent seen still think that I am really 5’7″.

For some girls, they move on and get over it, but i was really obssessed and never stopped wanting to be a model even now, when I am well past the age of when typical models are “discovered”. Ive also wanted to be taller because I think taller makes you stand out. I stand at 5’4, if i stand super straight then maybe about an extra half inch. I wear one inch lifts out, and to be honest, I dont feel that i am very short. I usually feel on the small side to average side however i think now, though i have not fully accepted my height still, i am also much more comfortabel with it. Anytimne i meet other people , i size them up by their height and see how much taller or shorter i am in comparison. I never leave the house without about an inch to one and a half inch in lifts, which is honestly hardly a difference when you take your shoes off. I think it is more of a mental thing where it just makes me feel better. Well, basically my point is, yes there are people who have never been able to let go of this, and after 15 years, i still search that there is hope that i can gain a few more inches.

My reply


I wanted to ask this question to a female, since height issues effect mainly men. How or why did this issue manifest for you? Was it from some insecurity issue from a younger age or something? Being 5′ 4″ is actually quite average for height. 

(Notice how she mentions that she is 5′ 4″ which is actually quite average for american females.)

Her Next Message to Me…


I just noticed your email today! Sure, I’d love to give you a response to your questions.

How or why did this issue manifest for me?

I think it started when I was around 14, I just had this obsession of wanting to be a model, and models are tall (5’8 +). I remember in high school admiring all the tall girls and thinking how I wished I could be just like them. I also associated being tall with just being better than others for some reason. i thought that you stand out more, you are prettier, glamorous etc. I never stopped wanting to be a model, even now when it is quite unattainable at my age. I think this has caused an insecurity that just never left me, and I am 30 now. I started wearing lifts in high school and by the time I was in college my lifts were as high as 2.5″-3″. No one has ever known that I wore lifts. It affected all aspects of my life, from being in social situations to personal relationships to doing any activities and figuring out which shoes to wear going through airport security is always a nightmare haha. As a result, I think I became even more introverted as i would have to avoid certain situations that required shoes to be taken off. I previously traveled and lived in T***** recently and was there for 4 years. During this time, I started to wear lower lifts because it just became impractical with all the walking and traveling. I think this helped me too to accept my height a little more. I was quite surprised by the height disparity there.

Tall girls (around 5’7) are just as common as very short girls( under 5’2 or so). In fact, I found people around the 5’4-5’5 range to be less common.

Thank you for saying that 5’4 is actually quite average for a girl’s height, but I do feel like a shrimp often, especially I notice caucasion women are often a bit taller. Well, sometimes I also notice that I am taller than most of the other girls in a room. Like i said in my previous email as well, I have somewhat accepted my height, somewhat. At least, I am more comfortable with my height, though I never leave the door without at least 1″ lifts, which is sometimes ridiculous as I don’t think it makes much of a difference, but I think it just makes me feel better knowing that there is something in my shoes.

I also know it is rare that height complexes usually affect men not women. It has greatly affected me and caused me to be super insecure and I missed out on many opportunities throughout life. Ive obsessed about it since the age I was 14. I had tried many experiments to see if I could gain a few inches including hanging upside down and sitting with weights. All failed. Again, it is much better now, though I still care and probably always will try and do anything to gain even an extra inch. I wish I could tell other people to not obsess about their height, it is just not worth it. Just go live your life to its fullest, but I suppose it is a mental thing and  it is easier said than done.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, I am happy to share my experience especially if it can help others!



I asked her for permission to publish her messages and she agreed, on the condition that I change her name and the names of places she has visited. I complied on that wish.

Based on the way she compared herself to “caucasian” women I would assume maybe she is not caucasian, and maybe african american or east asian or south asian or hispanic in race/ethnicity. Race does play a difference in how she views herself. Based on averages of different sub-set of human groups, if she is a hispanic or asian female, being 5′ 4″ would definitely make her NOT short.

She seems to have lived abroad in another country for a few years and the differences of the height in the two countries might have given her another perspective, and maybe even made her feel more accepting of how tall she is. She admits that now she doesn’t try to wear shoes with too high of a heel.

We are very happy that she has managed to get her internal demons exorcised a little bit. If she still feels like she will always need that extra 1 inch of height to give her a little more confidence in social situations, then more power to her. As long as she is not hurting anyone else or herself from her habits and behavior, we will always support her on what she does.

Have Bodybuilders Already Done All Our Research For Us?

Have Bodybuilders Already Done All Our Research For Us?

This has been a really big issue for me for the longest time and I think I need to address a concern which maybe many of the intermediate height increase researchers might have been thinking about and worrying about for at least the last half decade.

Ever since the creation of the internet and the uploading of so many academic scientific studies to various databases to the internet, bodybuilders have been scouring the academic papers like and Google Scholar to find articles which have already done the tedious laboratory work to help give the bodybuilders new ideas.

When I start searching for the link between bone growth or cartilage regeneration with compounds I have never done research on or have never heard before like CJC-1295 and Isoparelin, what shows up in the Google search results are the bodybuilding forums, like, The Steroid Forums,,,,, and (Note: Yes, I am aware that the Matter of Size forum is not for bodybuilding but used for men hoping to increase their genitalia)

What shows up are threads written by some guy around the ages of 18-22 who wants to maybe get another growth spurt and the repliers calling him a “manlet” (I have no idea where this stupid term came from) and him being ostracized for such a crazy desire.

However, when there is a more technical response, the knowledge that the posters shows is extremely technical and high level. I am always very surprised and impressed at how much the other men have figured out and read, at least in terms of reading the Abstract on PubMed studies. These guys probably don’t read the entire 20+ page PDF for a study unless it is extremely relevant and reveals new information but most likely glances and reads the Abstract. Well, that is what I do.

I knew that the bodybuilders have always been very knowledgeable on the limits of what science and technology has revealed. They really do keep up to date on the latest information and are at the forefront/leading edge on what is possible.

I have watched a few YouTube videos of Arnold Schwarzeneggeer (spel??) talking about his training and why he did certain weight lifting techniques when he was younger and his explanations reveal that Arnold was very knowledgeable on the physiology of the body. His understanding how the body reacts and changes from weight lifting and taking supplements is really at a high-level. Since he was the person who really brought bodybuilding in the mass media starting in the 70-80s, the bodybuilders after him probably took his lead and also educated themselves extensively on supplements, steroids, human physiology, anatomy, etc.

When I talk to my physical therapist or even the local gym trainer with maybe just a BS/MS from some state school in Kinesiology or Sports Medicine, they are really knowledgeable on the human body and can discuss even the most complicated aspects of human biology.

I was recently at the local supermarket leafing through a Men’s Health Magazine and on one of the pages, there was an excerpt on research being done at some research lab in some university. I took a picture of the article and have put it below. It is about the Aromatase Inhibitors, and how they can prevent the testosterone from converting too quickly into estrogen.

Aromatase Inhibitors

Anastrozole is mentioned and we all know that Hakker/Thomas and his forum reached the same conclusion more than 5 years ago. Since the internet is now at the fingertips of anyone and the PubMed database is free to access, anyone who wanted to do even a slight bit of research to maybe find a way to make themselves taller would have figured out the AI technique.

Every single serious height increase researcher have realized it from the last half decade. The people all knew about it. In the 5th Podcast I did with Hakker, he revealed that he did give pills to forum members to try out. There were results, but the results were only for people with open growth plates. He revealed to me that one of the 4 pills he often gave in a set was Letrozole, the other really well known Aromatase Inhibitor.

The PubMed database is close to being completely mined out of any new or fresh ideas. Tyler already did all that work. In his old website he probably has listed maybe 80+ possible chemical compounds which have at least a small chance of increasing height at least a little bit. In terms of what is easily found on the internet from only looking at studies in university databases, we are almost at the final point.

The Brazilian researcher Mateus knew much more than me and he told me about a year ago that he would find a way to regrow the growth plates using all these studies. So far, he never came back or revealed anything. So my guess is, he didn’t succeed. Who can blame him anyway, right?

Interestingly, in the 2nd Podcast Tyler revealed to me that he was also a former bodybuilder who mentioned a story on how the talk about Mariusz Pudzianowski being 6 feet tall was considered small in the World’s Strongest Men competition. These anecdotal stories and similar personal life experiences in some many people who want to grow taller and actively do serious research suggests to me that probably hundreds, if not thousands of bodybuilders have already come before me and mined through all the studies looking for the same thing I am doing and Tyler has been doing.

So have those bodybuilders already done al of our research for us?

I am willing to bet that there has been at least a few crazy guys who were as obsessed with growing taller as me and Tyler and did the same type of research for years maybe. I know that the Joey or Tim guy who runs the website has been researching for a oral supplement which would work on adults for at least 12 years. He has been creating many different types of powder for people to take for years, doing his formulations.

The next questions are going to be the most important

  • So if these bodybuilders already did the research, did they find something?
  • Did they find the solution or an answer, our “Holy Grail”?

I am guessing they never found the “Holy Grail”. If they did, they would have marketed it or promoted it and used that platform to make themselves a billionaire or even trillionaire. The financial rewards for such a solution would be immense, beyond anything the world would believe.

Plus, if any researcher in any public university lab in the world figured out the answer, they would have probably promoted it or created a company around the idea. The solution is just too attractive and seductive an idea, in my opinion.

There is the possibility that some research in a secret government or military lab or private company (think Google’s Calico project which is trying to cure aging) which did figure it out, but they would not release that type of information out into the general public. Based on a few articles I’ve found, I am quite positive that the Chinese Military Hospitals have figured out a Limb Lengthening Alternative. Refer to the older posts China Military Hospital Research Clinics Have Already Engineered Functional Epiphyseal Growth Plates (Breakthrough) and China Is Most Likely Trying To Engineer Taller Humans Currently As Well As Geniuses (Important!). I remember reading this excerpt from a quite credible source about this South Korean male who went to some Chinese Hospital to get his height increased by a full 12 inches about a year ago but I can’t find the source right now.

However, any government or military lab would NEVER reveal what they have found. (As an example, I know at least 1 MIT mathematician who about 15 years ago did secret contract work with the company BAE Systems who specializes in USA Navy Technology. That person even in 30 years will never be able to reveal the type of work they did without being prosecuted by the American government).

The nice thing about the government and the military keeping what they discover secret is that even if you are the 2nd organization, like a public fully transparent company, who discovers it, you can get the credit for it since the government or military can never reveal that they were the 1st people to figure out a new technological innovation.

So far, I have never been able to find in the Google Patent database many patents claimed by just the USA Government. Since the patent is not on the database, you can file for the right to be the originator of the idea, even though you were not the 1st.

Getting back to the original point before getting sidetracked and into a tangent…

Hundred of bodybuilders before me already did the research. I am almost 100% certain that they did not find the holy grail solution. If they did, they would have promoted it.

So that obvious next question is “What can we do if the bodybuilders already looked at everything like the steroids, supplements, stacking, growth hormones, etc.?”

What is our approach, if the bodybuilders already did maybe 98% of all of our research?

My guess is that the focus with the bodybuilders may have always been on hormones, HGH, steroids, and endocrinology.

My focus is on orthopedics, how the mechanism in the bones and cartilage work. My focus is looking at how the various external stimuli effect the structure of bones and cartilage. That is something which I don’t believe the bodybuilders focus on. While they are focused on what type of chemical they can swallow or inject using a needle, they probably have not been considering other ideas, like using magnetic forces, dynamic electrical signals, or unique ultrasonic technologies and combining all of these biomedical techniques together. That is what I think my research i able to do, being able to really make a big contribution. That is something I don’t think many people have done extensively. That is where I am differentiating myself from the bodybuilders who do research for the same end goal, which is to find a way to increase in height. They have their general approach, based on endocrinology. I have my approach, using tissue engineering, stem cells, orthopedics, and really new biomedical ideas which may not even be clinically available for decades to come.

NEWS: If you have read this far, I have some good news for the regulars and reader. I have recently found something which may be as close to a real solution as I have ever found. It seems to be a game changer.

Calcium Enriched Foods Like Milk Do Seem To Make Young Kids Taller

Calcium Enriched Foods Like Milk Do Seem To Make Young Kids Taller

There has been so much debate over whether high calcium level or calcium enriched foods like milk actually makes kids grow taller. We went back and forth on this issue maybe 3-4 times before, and we had concluded that the most likely answer is that common food items like milk seems to have a positive, but small correlation to increased statural height increases in developing children.

We also previously looked at other common long held beliefs on children growth and lifestyle choices. We looked at the effects of coffee consumption and stunted growth, smoking and stunted growth, and even masturbation and stunted growth. Our conclusions for each are 1. No, 2. Most definitely, 3. No, respectively.

Here is a study I found which seems to finally put the nail in the coffin on the debate on milk and calcium. There are of course always some caveats.

1. The study was performed on girls who did not reach menarche yet.

Calcium-enriched foods and bone mass growth in prepubertal girls: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Make Young Kids TallerNotice the difference is around 0.6 cms, which may not seem like a lot but statistical analysis shows that the difference can NOT be just due to random chance but is starting to become statistically significant.

Now, the results seem to go directly against other scientific studies, like the one below

Lactose Intolerance: Lack of Evidence for Short Stature or Vitamin D Deficiency in Prepubertal Children

Of course, both of the studies were done on pre-pubertal kids. That is probably the key factor which explains why there is discrepancies.

Here is something important to take away: Multiple studies show that the human body can only retain about 1200-1500 mg of Calcium per day before any more increase in Ca has no effect.

For at least girls that are 7-9 years old, getting even an extra 800-900 mg of Ca per day is not enough to have the right effect for bone mass increases. When the increased Ca intake reaches the 1100-1200 mg per day mark, then the effect starts to show, but it is somewhat mild.

Calcium Enriched Foods

Note that fact that the greatest differences was in the experimental subgroup of test subjects who were given what is known as spontaneous low-calcium enriched foods. (Personally, I am not sure that that even suggests. Haven’t slept well last night.)

The researchers state two interesting facts.

The spontaneous low-calcium sub-group seemed to get most of their height in the appendicular skeleton aka bones in the torso but NOT in the axial skeletal region (which are the bones in the limbs, like leg and arms). The exact region where the bones grew larger was in the lumbar region, the L2-L4 area.

The sub-group who got the most results also had X-Rays done to show that the middle region of their femur became wider too. At this point, I can’t make any significant connections between the metaphyseal region of the femur increasing in width and the mid-lumbar vertebral bones increasing. There seems to very little difference between the placebo group and the calcium intake group on the proximal end of the femur.

It might also be useful to also look up the study Double Blind Controlled Calcium Supplementation and Bone Mineral Accretion in Children Accustomed to a Low Calcium Diet by Lee and Leung

Important Note: Since the beginning of the research on the website, I have had proposed a theory that our dietary intake and habits can change our height only in the appendicular skeletal region aka torso, but won’t do much for our leg length. The length of our legs/arms seems to be much more determined by our genetics, and not by childhood dietary habits.

This was due to my analysis on the body shape of the swimmer Michael Phelps, who has a disproportionally long torso to leg length and used to consume large amounts of food as a teenager. When we compare the body proportions of a Michael Phelps to a Wilt Chamberlain or Shaquille O’Neal, we notice that for the latter two, all of their height seems to be coming from their legs, specifically femurs. Shaq is genetically pre-disposed to tall stature, since both his mother and grandfather on his mother’s side was huge. Wilt, I don’t know. He was a true genetic freak and a most likely a statistical anomaly, just like Angus MacAskill, coming along once every billion people.

This study seems to kind of validate my theory, in a sort of tangental way.