Author Archives: Senior Researcher

Your Backpack and Demanding School Curriculum Is Making You Shorter

Your Backpack and Demanding School Curriculum Is Making You Shorter

Demanding School CurriculumI remember back when I was in elementary and middle school how the teachers would give us these really thick, heavy textbooks to learn from. It was often neccesary to carry all those books around for convenience reasons so that we don’t become late to a class due to going back to a locker to pick up the books.

The fear in the 4th grade for many people was that they would develop scoliosis and a hunched back from putting so many books in their backpacks. There was always the motherly concern that their son or daughter would have stunted growth from carrying such a heavy backpack in school. Of course those old “wive’s tales” could never be proven to be true.

Well I found evidence that apparently putting such a high load on a growing kids’s back does indeed stunt their growth. As an adult, the same type of load will also make them shorter.


Now I admit that the study showed the children putting a load that was upwards of 50% of their total body weight and the decrease was just 1-2 millimeters, but the effects was that the IVD in the L4-L5 region was consistently squeezed.

That may not be much, but the effects can result in lower back problems later in life which will manifest when the children grow up to their 40s and even as early as 30s. The L4-L5 IVD is the one which is the most commonly ruptured disc when we did research on herniated discs, and bulging discs.

Thank god that the younger kids are moving away from the crazy heavy backpacks and towards tablets and ultra-books which are much easier on the back.

Of course, there is always a net downside. With the increase in kids using more and more computers for learning and less need to use paper books, they may not be developing back problems and become shorter, but their eyes are becoming more and more strained with more problems with mental health due to computer addiction.

Effects of backpacks on students cervical and shoulder posture

This Researcher Succeeded In 3D-Printing Spinal Discs Allowing Adults With Closed Growth Plates To Grow Taller If They Desired – Big Breakthrough

This Researcher Succeeded In 3D-Printing Spinal Discs Allowing Adults With Closed Growth Plates To Grow Taller If They Desired – Big Breakthrough

3D Printing Spinal DiscsMy claims and estimates that the technology to find an alternative to limb lengthening surgery would take at least 2 decades, if not 4 decades, may have to be drastically reduced. In my recent post about the nature of how Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Return shows an acceleration of technological breakthroughs, it may be that we have already reached the inflection point and things are already accelerating much faster than even I would have anticipated.

The old idea that so many people have suggested of increasing the torso or spine in some way to achieve the goal of increasing their height even as adults with closed growth plates is indeed already here. “How is that possible?” the reader might ask.

The technology has finally arrived, but the biomedical researchers which have succeeded might not even realize just how they can use their new technology in lateral thinking unique and potentially extremely financially rewarding applications.

Update: May 16, 2014: I finally realize now that Dr. Bonassar’s research group had made a very similar ear cartilage tissue like the group from Wake Forest University, which I had referenced twice already on this website. Interestingly he was recently promoted to the rank of Full Professorship back in January of this year, 2014. I guess doing breakthrough research that gets the media and the rest of the world talking definitely helps move one’s academic career much faster. He has quite an impressive Curriculum Vitae, having a BS and MS from MIT in MSE (Material Science & Engineering) and finished his graduate work at JHU (John’s Hopkins University) with his Ph. D in BME (Biomedical Engineering). After getting his Ph.D, he did fellowship work at the Orthopedic Research Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital and then another fellowship at the Center of Biomedical Engineering at his Alma Mater MIT. Before coming to Cornell, he had spent 5 years at the Center for Tissue Engineering at UMass in the Medical School.

So he knows what the hell he is doing and understands tissue engineering and cell culturing and cartilage regeneration much better than me.

I had written quite a few posts talking about how we can use 3D-Printing, and even 4D-Printing of “smart materials” for our endeavor and used his research as an example already. (I also referenced Dr. Valenti’s work on regrowing ear tissue on the sides of lab mice.) The posts were “How 4-D Printing Can Synthesize Biological Tissues And Organs Which Grow Themselves” and “Increase Height And Grow Taller Through Bioprinting And Electrospinning” and “Programmable 3D Printers Creating New Epiphyseal Growth Plate Cartilage As Interchangeable Body Parts“.

Interchangeable-Body-PartsThe group from Wake Forest University were the ones who managed to successfully regrow human ears. Remember the picture above??

Even NPR did a short piece on them back in Feb of 2013 on the research going on in Bonassar’s Lab at Cornell (Available Here). Back then, he was still an Associate Professor in BME. Their paper is entitled High-Fidelity Tissue Engineering of Patient-Specific Auricles for Reconstruction of Pediatric Microtia and Other Auricular Deformities“.

This researcher with his team in some lab at Cornell University has been able to validate and prove a concept which had been another huge block in our progress. You can click below to get the webpage for the Bonassar Research Group, whose goals are focused on regeneration of the musculoskeletal tissue.

I am referring to the viral post which was written on the website entitled “3D printing right into your spine could make you whole again”. I am surprised that neither I or any of the readers of the website ever mentioned it or did not see it written. It proved the validity of an idea which I did not think was reasonable for at least another 10-15 years. However, the whole advent and spread of 3-D Printing technology has made me reconsider so much of what is possible.

So how can we make such a leap in theory from the achievement of regrowing an ENTIRE Spinal Disc, and achieving the goal of increasing our heights as adults?

It turns out that I was wrong before (I admit it. I made a anatomical mistake which led to a bad judgement call, which I will correct right now). Before, I said that there is no way that we should ever touch the spinal disc since we could cause the person in operation to become paralyzed if the spinal cord, which I thought was inside the disc, was nicked or sliced in some way.

Thinking back on it, I realize now that anatomically speaking, it made no sense to assume that the Spinal Cord with the CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) would be in the core of the disc. I was off by around 2 inches at least.

I was reminded of the horrible case of the former Superman actor Christopher Reeves and what he had to go through for over 20 years suffering in a wheelchair after suffering a fall from a horse ride. At the time, I felt that no one should ever be stupid enough to ever choose to go through such an invasive surgery as spinal disc replacement or similar since the risk of paralysis and turning into a paraplegic was just too high, just to gain extra height. If someone did actually go through a surgery like that and risk becoming a paraplegic for just a few centimeters into their torso, they should have their mental state checked out and get major psychiatric help.

Getting back to the question which I still haven’t answered before yet… “So how can we make such a leap in theory from the achievement of regrowing an ENTIRE Spinal Disc, and achieving the goal of increasing our heights as adults?”

So here is what I am going to outline in only semi-technical fashion to show the readers that we already have the technology and the technical know how to achieve this goal.

IVDWhen we actually look at the positioning of the intervertebral disc relative to where the spinal cord is, it seems that they are in different areas of the dorsal region.

The group of researchers was able to using electro-spinning techniques in a Bio-3D Printer to recreate the entire disc, getting the material strength and properties of the nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosis correct.

Remember that the composition of the NP and the AF are just slight varying percentages of a combination of proteoglycans, collagen, and water.

There is a nice picture that was available on the article which I clipped below

Disc regeneration

This is going to be a 2-Part process which will be combined together in the end for implantation..The steps to do this are the following….

Part 1: For the hyaline cartilage layers…

  1. Get a sample of the person’s marrow through a bone marrow biopsy. This one is going to hurt quite a bit!
  2. Take some of the patients own MSCs from their bone marrow through centrifuging and filtration processes.
  3. Differentiate the MSCs into the chondrogenic linage using growth factory combinations.
  4. Culture the chondrocytes into cell colonies using a culture medium to increase the cell density
  5. Take the chondrocytes and using a 3-D Printer layer them into the shape of a thin disc shape. Note that since we are using the 3D Printer to extrude layers upon layer, we can precisely program the alignment of the chondrocytes. With a simple script, we can have the chondrocytes stacked on top of each other like the column-like fashion of the growth plates.
  6. Don’t forget to also inject the right IHH and PTHrP combination to get the cartilage to expand on its own.

Part 2: For the collagen disc layer…

This is what has been achieved by Bonassar and his research group. They got the structural alignment correct, with the right tissue material properties.

This was one of the other technical problem which I realized we had to figure out, which was shown to have been solved.

Part 3: Re-implantation

  • You just layer the cartilage on top and bottom of the collagen disc layer. It turns into a sandwiched multi-layer. This can be implanted into the backs of the patients.
  • Since the discs are themselves in the back of the spinal cord, this surgery will be relatively safe from the possibility of cutting the spinal cord.

Part 4: Growth Factor Injections

  • After the surgery, the person is recommended to take about 1 week to let the implant to fuse to the vertebrate bones.
  • Due to the fact that the printed cartilage sides had the chondrocytes specifically positioned in columnar structures, the cartilage would act like any growth plate and expand in thickness, aka make you grow taller.
  • Of course, we recommend increasing the rate of cartilage growth with some carefully positioned growth factor injections, like PTHrP and IHH which I had mentioned before as well as OP-1 (aka BMP-7) which had been proven successful in increasing the disc height of lab rabbits.
  • It might even be as simple as using a growth factor patch, where you stick it on your back to let the growth factors diffuse into your back, like the smoking patches you see quitters use.

On The Issue of The Facet Joints Between the Irregular Vertebrate Bones…

  • Anatomically, we also have to take into consideration the fact that not only are the irregular vertebrate bones attached to each other through the discs, they are also attached to each other in in the area known as the facet joints, which are areas on the sides where it is ligaments or cartilage.
  • I have not done any research on the facet joints, however the joints can be easily be stretched out using injections of a certain type of chemical.
  • If the facet joints were mainly ligaments, an injection of the compound relaxin would make the facet joints looser, and easier to stretch out. (The use of relaxin to increase the torso and/or the pelvic girdle bone was the proposed theory me and Tyler gave on why a minority of the female population who went through pregnancy seems to end up taller too.) Even just a few days ago, we had this message to the website where another woman claimed that she increase in height by 2 inches over a span of 2 pregnancies around the age of 33!. (It could be a lie though since we can’t validate all these pregnancy claims, but we wanted to post it here anyway.)

Pregnancy Height Increase

  • If the facet joints were mainly elastic or fibrocartilage, a small inject of growth hormone would make the area go into hypertrophy.

The Stretching of the Spinal Cord

This was the other big technical problems we would need to consider. The question is, “If we started to stretch out the torso/back again, would the spinal cord also be stretched out?”

Or is the spinal cord like a piece of string which goes through the vertebrate bone acting like a needle hole?

Ventral Dorsal Root Spinal CordIt seems that even a slight bruising of the spinal cord can cause paralysis so we have to be very careful here. It might be that the spinal cord can NOT stretch out or increase in length at the speed of the increasing of the back. If not, the ventral and dorsal roots that laterally comes out of the spinal cord might be pulled out or snapped off, like the branches on a tree.

My personal belief on the elastic nature of the spinal cord says that due to the slow, but noticeable changes in the volumetric size of the irregular vertebrae bones, the spinal cord should not have any difficulty in slowly increasing in small incremental length along with the bone surrounding it.

To all the people who said that Limb Lengthening Surgery is the only way to increase in height, I believe I might have proven you guys wrong, at least in theory. Based on the following steps I have outlined above, there will be some biomedical researcher or company with the funds to take every single step I have outlined above, execute on them, and become a future billionaire.

I Don’t Want To Date, Marry, Or Have Sex With You Because I Am Insecure About My Own Height and Short Stature and Secretly Am Afraid To Have Short Children

I Don’t Want To Date, Marry, Or Have Sex With You Because I Am Insecure About My Own Height and Short Stature and Secretly Am Afraid To Have Short Children

Joran Van Der Sloot HeightUpdate May 14,2014: In light of the recent news about the Dutch Serial Killer Joran Van Der Sloot getting married, we needed to update this post to validate the point of this post. This Dutch guy is tall. I suspect that he is probably around 6′ 7″, but most sources say that he is around 6′ 4″-6′ 3″. Comparing old pictures of his guy next to the Peruvian Police and Guards which surround him, he looks like a giant next to the Indigenous Peruvian people. If fact, if you look at the mug shot of his face to the right, you can see that he is clearly above the 1.90 meters mark! The news reports got his size completely wrong, by 10 cms/4 inches. Even removing the factor of shoes, he would still likely be around 6′ 6″, which apparently is only slightly taller than average for the average Dutch male today. (I suspect that the modern Dutch male is probably around 6′ 3″-6′ 4″ in average height, with the average values given in Wikipedia is due to the lowering of the national average from the tabulated height numerical values of immigrants from countries like the Middle East, and Asia)

Many people who read the news about Joran meeting a peruvian women in jail and getting her pregnant may be shocked and disgusted at this male who probably has multiple sociopathic qualities. However, I am not surprised at what has happened. When viewed from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, after reading the book The Red Queen by Matt Ridley, it makes perfect sense for the women to want to mate with Sloot and have his offspring. 

Sloot has many of the qualities which have evolutionarily been useful. 

  • He has height/size. 
  • He has sociopathic tendencies & violent. – Genghis Khan bloodline supposedly can be traced to 5-10% of the entire human population.
  • He is caucasian/white. – This one is not evolutionary, but cultural. In most cultures I’ve seen, Indian, Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Iranian, Saudi Arabian, Brazilian, etc. there is a huge preference for “white” or european looking people, for dating and other aspects of the culture.

If we combines it with the fact that the woman probably is most likely not that well educated (bias here?) it makes sense that she would not be using pure logic and reasoning and telling herself to avoid him since he is dangerous. Her behavior is based on a different set of motives. Even if she tries to rationalize and justify her reason to the media and others for marrying a very well known, public serial killer, her real reasons for doing what she has done is still quite apparent to us. 

The fact is that Van Der Sloot is no longer dangerous, as long as he stays in prison for the full 28 years he is supposed to. The worst he can do is sexually assault other men in the same prison, but that is unlikely. He is probably too tall and big to be sexually assaulted himself, especially since he is supposedly in a Peruvian Prison. There is a clear size difference between the two ethnicities. He may try to get on national television and more press to spew hateful messages, but we on the outside can shut him out. 

The women may in fact be a type of predator, who is taking something from Sloot that she wants, which is to make her future children taller, whiter, and look more european, which is so prized in so many 3rd world developing countries of the world. 

She is planning on marrying him primarily to take his genes, which is technically considered healthy by Nature’s standards. In Richard Dawkin’s seminal work The Selfish Gene, Dawkins argues the point that we can look at our lives not from a technological or cultural perspective but from a genetic perspective, his point is made. We are in fact carriers of genes, which have a sort of intelligence of their own, whose primary purpose is to continuously proliferate themselves. All of our mental activities and pursuits are worthless, and we are completely controlled by our biology, and biological limitations, which are programmed in by our genes and the way the RNA are built into proteins. What matters comes down to genes and evolutionary fitness. 

It is mostly likely Van Der Sloot’s size/height that attracted the girl, and she unconsciously just followed her biological cues. Some people think that she is acting on emotional cues in the belief that she can somehow save him, like he is some tortured soul, but I doubt that part. Females in general often have a much better sense of how to play the mating game than men, while men focus on trying to increase the chances of siring offspring, not caring over the future consequences of their actions. 

I do believe however that mental traits like psychopathic qualities and other “evil” qualities of humans may indeed be genetic. It could very well be that the child born will also have similar brain characteristics as the father, but in this world, you can hide your thoughts, not your body and size. The randomness of how the RNA assemble when we are going through embryogenesis could result in a offspring of Van Der Sloots which don’t have his psychopathic tendencies (is she just playing with russian roulette with her womb?) but will most likely have the genes of height. 

Like we have said multiple times before….

  • Height is determined mostly by genetics (by 70-80&)
  • Intelligence is also determined mostly by genetics (I’m guessing 50-60%), but that is malleable, since Nuture (not Nature) plays a huge role in our cognitive development and likelihood of success in life. 
  • Psychopathic/criminal/violent tendencies are in around 10-15% of all men in the world. There is a correlation that shows that it is passed down lineages. 

I (Michael) at this point in my life try not to judge people too much, since human nature is almost fixed, extremely hard to change, and the stupid, horrible, bad judgements we make in our lives is only because we are just animals at the most basic level. To quote the title of Friedrich Nietzsche’s work, Human, All too Human. The girl in the video below would most likely be also the same type of girl who would accept the idea of meeting a genetically tall male in prison, and mate with him just for his supposedly “height increasing genes”.

Note: I realize now that it is actually not a good idea that anyone can read this website, with its most unique of way of looking at the world. It might not be healthy to read everything written on this website, especially the non-scientific posts. We may in the future actively try to discourage certain readers from reading posts like this one (what Ryan Holliday calls Quake Books) since it might result in them having altered perceptions on the mechanics of society and the world which might lead to non-healthy relationships, and the development of anxiety. 

Here is a message to give to only a certain demographic of people who read this website, to the young single heterosexual men out there who complain that certain types of women (or maybe even most attractive single women) they meet and wish to date refuse to date them and state bluntly and explicitly that their reason for not wanting to date is due to the man’s lack of height. When it comes down to it, I think many, MANY women will ultimately make a similar claim or justification like the reason the girl in the video makes.

The problem exists. It is real, and it is not just in your/our minds.

When that person ever tries to actually talk about this problem they are dealing with, their peers and family gives platitudes like “just be more confident” or “when you are older, and become rich and successful enough, that problem will resolve itself”. Of course, when you are going through that issue yourself, the pain and suffering is much more real. It is not bodily pain, but mental and emotional pain, which is mostly self-inflicted.

People like to give this type of behavior the term “heightism”. You make quick judgements on the value of another human being based on how tall they are relative to other people of the same social group.

The girl has some issues herself, since she was stupid enough to vocally broadcast the idea so publicaly. Height is a very sensitive subject, almost taboo to talk about. Many people have very strong opinions about it.

Is it a good idea to just brush that women’s opinions under the bed and call her ignorant?

No. I honestly believe that the opinions expressed by her is something a lot of women agree with and have internalized but have too much social intelligence to say out loud for other people to hear. Ironically, it turns out that often it is the taller females who don’t have an issue with dating shorter men, since they don’t have that specific insecurity.

I am interested to hear from the readers on what their reactions, opinions, and thought are from watching the video. Care to share some thoughts?

Wolff’s Law States That Stretching Bone Tissue Using Tensile Stress Makes It Thicker And Stronger

Wolff’s Law States That Stretching Bone Tissue Using Tensile Stress Makes It Thicker And Stronger

Here were three points I have made before which were proven in posts I wrote maybe a year ago…

Point #1: With a rough calculation I did by extrapolating the number values given by a recent study done on the tensile ultimate yield testing of young rabbits’s femurs, along with epiphyseal cartilage along with values given by an orthopedic surgeon from the 19th century, we both eventually reached a similar conclusion that it would take around 25,000-30,000 lbs of force (I realize that I am using the UK/US system and not the international metric system, but I made sure to do the US–>Metric conversions correctly. I am not off by say a full magnitude or something) to slowly stretch out the femur of the average american male (assuming 6 ft tall and 200 lbs)

Point #2: The tensile strength of bones is about the same as stainless steel, and the compressive strength of long bones is around 20-40% even stronger than stainless steel. This is not a joke. Our bones are indeed that strong, at least when tested on the axial in the exact angle.

Point #3: When we talk about a long bone, like a tibia or ulna breaking, and we need say a splint or cast, the cause is almost always due to a lateral loading of the bones. We break our bones when they fall on their sides against a strong enough object which has no elasticity aka hard surface.

It turns out that I sort of forgot something even more compelling based on a forgotten point. This point I will make is probably going to give even more validation to that thesis that trying to stretch out the bones through say pulling on the end will be a unreasonable and unsuccessful way for bone lengthening.

Not only will the bones NOT lengthen it, but the result is that the sides of the long bones will in fact start to become thicker and the middle area will become even stronger, as a result. This is based on the principles of Wolff’s Law. {Wolf’s law basically just states that bone adapts to the loads and demands that are applied to it.  Basically, bone adapts.  This does not refute this argument but it does mean that according to the basic application of Wolf’s law bone could adapt by becoming thicker or it could adapt by becoming longer. -Tyler}

So if you trying just stretching the bones, and never come even close to the 25,000 lbs that is required of it (unless you did a sudden jerk of the bones, which might instead cause it to fracture or break, which no one would want) then the sides will get thicker, and you will have a thicker, wider bone.

If we were to be extremely futuristic and just think of it from the most hypothetical scenario, and we did have some type of machine that could just stretch out the bones very slow but consistently, then maybe, just MAYBE, the idea of increasing our height by stretching bone tissue might be feasible, but that is too theoretical for me to believe. There is no machine in the world that can do that type of thing.

If there was a machine that could be that precise and give that type of load, it probably would not be used on the average person for a few thousand dollars just so that they can be a guinea pig and put themselves through slow and gradual pain just to maybe increase the length of their bone, hoping that a fracture doesn’t develop.

Why Biomedical Engineering Bone Growth Techniques Is The Wrong Path

Why Biomedical Engineering Bone Growth Techniques Is The Wrong Path

After I wrote the post where I had said that there is almost nothing left to say, and nothing left to research, at least on the level of theory and reading more articles, someone sent a link to a technique being developed in some Bioengineering or Biomedical Engineering Lab in Rice University where either a Grad Student or Post Doc was working on their little project, creating a type of gel which can be applied to bone to grow bones.

The problem with this bone growing gel technique is that it will NOT work for what we are trying to do.

Here are the 4 main axioms on the science of height increase

Axiom #1: Bones, the actual one tissue, the extracellular bone matrix, consisting of both the organic and inorganic components of the ECM, do NOT grow.

Axiom #2: It is either the marrow inside the bones or the outer layer wrapped around the bone called the periosteum that makes the entire bone grow.

Axiom #3: Most bioengineering and biomedical engineering techniques which claim to “grow bone” are talking about increasing the bone mineral density (BMD), which is used for treating low bone density aka osteoporosis, which affects postmenopausal women, since their ovaries have no more eggs aka no more release of estrogen. Increasing bone density does not increase bone volume, which is what we want.

Axiom #4: We want to find techniques which can grow cartilage, and keep the cartilage sustained and healthy for as long as possible.

Cartilage tissue, but most especially hyaline cartilage, is extremely hard to generate or regenerate when they start to degrade.

Now, here is two other axioms I would like to add with that list…

Axiom #5: Finding ways to grow bone tissue is very easy. – All you need is any type of biodegradable scaffold with a little bit of growth factor (there are plenty to choose from) placed in a fracture and you would have grown bones. Any local state university lab with a bioengineering department would have at least one professor or post-doc which is doing research like this – The technique has been done to death in thousands of research university labs around the world.

Axiom #6: Finding ways to grow cartilage tissue is very hard – This is what we are searching for. Not only that, we are looking for ways to actually induce bone tissue to turn into cartilage tissue.

This process we are trying to learn, by reading all the literature and guessing at the protein pathways, is to maybe figure out a few external stimuli to trigger the right gene expression so that a dormant region inside either the microRNA, or the “left-over RNA” to turn back on. It might be that the “waste RNA” which was active during embryogenesis, creating all the cartilage in babies and young children, can NEVER be turned back on but actually are completely dead. If that is the case, then there would be no easy technique like pressing a “button” to induce cells to transdifferentiate.

We are trying to do the impossible, which is induce the process of transdifferentiation, in the opposite direction that nature has set forth.

Here is the last two axioms I will add…

Axiom #7: The way nature and the universe works as time progresses —> Cartilage Cells aka Chondrocytes transdifferentiation into Bone Cells aka Osteoblasts

Axiom #8: What we are looking for when we are combing through the entire human medical research database is to create a theoretical and feasible scientific technique to go in the exact opposite direction —> Bone Cells aka Osteoblasts transdifferentiation into Cartilage Cells aka Chondrocytes.

To put it in some type of physics analogy, it is like us trying to find a secret loophole to go against the 2nd law of entropy. As everyone realizes, the only law that one can never break based on all the laws that humans have come up with is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which states that the disorder of the analyzed system will NEVER decrease over time. So using this physics analogy, and going back to our bioengineering endeavor, we are trying to go against the natural process.

I really do appreciate the effort some of the readers put in to help find articles like this one (about the new medical gel turning into bone), but we are actually looking for a different type of research, involving a different type of tissue.

So, If you guys ever find news or stories about researchers being successful in creating a new technique to develop “Cartilage Tissue” or “Chondrocytes” or “Chondroblasts”, then send them in our direction. Those are worth reading! 🙂

My Order Of Modafinil Has Arrived – A Review On Modvigil

So today was the day that my order of modafinil has finally arrive in my PO BOX. It has taken almost 2 full months of waiting to get it. Why did it take almost 2 months? The first batch of pills was apparently taken away by the people at customs. It seems to be very common now for the government official to crack down on chemical which the government thinks is unsafe.

So far I have already tried out Phenylpiracetam, Bulletproof Coffee, the supplement to the coffee High Octane Oil, 5-HTP, Alpha Brain from, Grass-feed Butter, Omega-3, Choline, L-Theanine, Centrophenoxine aka Neuro Glow, Creatine (shown to be able to increase IQ a slight bit), Vitamin K2, and a few other supplements to see how well a nootropic stack works. However, it was the Modafinil that has eluded me since there seems to be so much legal issues with this pill. I am also part of a few IRC Channels which talk about this stuff. Get on FreeNode and join the various groups.

This is going to be an experiment I plan to do to show you guys what are the effects of taking what is supposed to be an “intelligence & cognitive enhancement chemical supplement”. Are those Dateline and ABC Specials and segments exaggerating the claims of this drug or are they telling the truth?

Status Reports

Sunday May 11, 2014 – Got up around 11 AM (I sleep late sometimes), Felt groggy since I went to sleep around 4-5 AM , ate a small meal – Ingested Bulletproof Coffee (infused with the High Octane Oil), 5-HTP, Alpha Brain, Omega-3, Centrophenoxine, and Vitamin K2. (I stopped taking Phenylpiracetam because I noticed that it didn’t seem to do anything for me, and seemed to make my tongue numb.)

First time taking Modafinil/Provigil – Did not feel any different, and did not notice anything like a clearer form of awareness or consciousness. Guess it is not supposed to be like a life-altering drug like Ayahuasca. However, what I did notice is that today I worked for 6 hours straight and did not loss focus. Usually I loss focus after just 1-2 hours and my mind start to wander, and I notice hunger signals. Today, I somehow managed to stay focused and did not care about hunger until my stomach started to acted react with pain. That was after 6 hours. Checked my weight and noticed that it had dropped by 1.5 lbs in 6 hours. It is now past 11 PM and I am still able to stay focused.

In terms of productivity I feel like I managed to get about 3X-5X more work done than usual, which is absolutely insane because even after 12 hours later, I still feel like I can keep going with work. Even when I forced myself to stop working and take time off for exercise, my mind drifted back towards wanting to get back to work, so that I can almost “zone out” and go into a state of “flow” as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi stated. So far, my brain seems to have not slowed down, and my body seems to be going along too. Guess I might work through the night if my brain doesn’t “turn off”.

May 14th: The 2nd time I took the pill and I actually quantified everything I did that day. I increased my productivity to around 2.5X, and chose to take the next day off from intensive mental activities. The effects wasn’t as strong as the first time.

Overall Opinion:

The drug doesn’t make you feel like a different person or give you crystal clear clarity or awareness. The effects are quite subtle. When you are working say in front of the computer, you will be focusing much more and manage to keep your attention on the task without any type of focus breaks.

So many people have been saying that this pill which was formerly used by the US Jet Pilots as a stimulant for sleep issues like narcolepsy is the real life version of the compound NZT-48 seen in the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper but I am going to say that the effects are NOT as profound as you might believe. They did have a huge effect, but it is not life altering and increase your IQ by 50 points automatically, as some people may have hoped for. When it is sold on the online giant Amazon’s website, the actual active compound is omniracetam. I have never tried omniracetam before but after trying the phenylpiracetam, I was not impress by the effects, which I did not notice.

So far, the pill does work to make you MUCH more productive at work, assuming that you work in front of a computer, but it doesn’t seem to translate to an increased ability or quality in any other areas of life.

Note: This post is what I plan to write about and update for the next 2-3 weeks (or even longer), as I work on other projects I have. Yes, I am fully aware that I am moving away from the subject of researching the science of height increase but I wanted to include more body and brain hacks than just bone tissue manipulation.