Author Archives: Senior Researcher

This Person Increased His Height By 0.75 Inches Using Ankle Weights and Inversion Tables

This Person Increased His Height By 0.75 Inches Using Ankle Weights and Inversion Tables

Inversion TablesSometimes I write posts that details information which I gather from the readers and visitors to the website, through the comments or the private website email at

A regular visitor of the website sent sent us a rather long message which I will copy and paste below. They seemed to have found some success in using a combination of inversion and weights to achieve almost a full length of increase. They said that they took into account height variations throughout the day, and also any type of measuring errors.

I chose not to clip the message since I would like to keep the email information of some of the visitors private. The message below is in italics.


Hello Michael and Tyler my name is Jake and I’m am an avid follower of your work. I constantly check up on this site and the lsjl forum.

I am a 24 year old male from the midwest and I just wanted to briefly share what helped me increase my morning height. I start my height increase regimen in dec. 2013 i started at 5’6.5 maximum morning height and 5’6 1/8 lowest night height. I began in dec. by stretching but didn’t notice any gains.

After a month of stretching i incorporated. sitting with two ten pound ankle weights on each leg a few times a day along with my stretching. My morning height increased to about 5’6 5/8 after using the weights. But My morning height didn’t increase much more than that after that.

So another. month later I bought a inversion table off of craigslist and within three weeks by March 2014 my morning height increased to 5’6 3/4. So I was stretching sitting with weights and doing inversion three times a day a lot of work. But my biggest increase was yet to come. I am really desperate to get taller so after my inversion table my height seemed to max out at 5’6 3/4 in the morning.

I decided to sit with my ankle weights a different way I decided to sit with them longer. because initially when I would sit with them I would kick them off after like 20-30minutes because they would begin to feel uncomfortable. So in mid March I started sitting with the weights as long as I could once you feel that uncomfortable feeling after like 20-30 minutes that is where it seems you want to be I now call that the growth stage.

So i probably sat with them about an hour and a half two ten pound weights on each leg when i measured myself I stoop a whopping 5’7 1/8 mid day it freakin blew my mind. So I did it again and the very next day I woke up at an astonishing 5’7 1/4. So to recap literally within one day of sitting with ankle weights into this growth stage as long as you can it feels like your body is ripping apart i think this is where the most growth comes from 5’6 3/4 Max morning height to 5’7 1/4 morning height.

So I have been doing this everyday since mid march so about a month and I maxed out at 5’7 3/8 inches in the morning. I wanted to share this with everyone because the absolute biggest factor in my growth was from sitting with the ankle weights until you feel really stretched as you dangle them over the side of the bed.

I wanted to share this because I know what its like to be short and hate your life and get down I sincerely hope that you could make a post about this and share this with others . To see if they sit with ankle weights the way I did if they would grow.

So to recap get two ten pound ankle weights a bed high enough that your legs could dangle off of freely. Then sit until what I call the growth stage for me it s like 20-30 minutes in. This is where the real stretch begins. Try to sit in this state without getting up to relieve any pressure for as long as possible. I typically just sit on my phone watching youtube videos. And its typically about an hour and a half for me until I literally can’t take it anymore and have to sit up.

I have a very accurate way of measuring my height so there was no problems with my measurements. I want to share this to get feedback and hear peoples opinions.

So please Michael if you could share this and you can email me jf you want to correspond. I want people to experience the slight growth I did and for us to all see how we could better tweak it to get even more height. Goodluck to you all. I would have shared this on the lsjl forum but it wouldn’t let me sign up for some reason. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes I had to type this quickly on my phone and with little time to slare.

Good luck to you all hope to hear how it goes…..later!


I corrected a few grammatical and spelling mistakes, and divided up the original message for easier reading.

Here is my message to him


You asked that we send you an email and that is what we are doing. I am thinking of writing out a post on your unique routine using ankle weights to do a short analysis on the possible physiological changes occurring in your body. Is that okay with you?


Here is his first message to us

That is one hundred percent fine with me. I have been an avid follower of your site and tylers. I did a lot of research on growing taller prior to starting my routine. I even read through all of the old posts at Giant Scientific forum. I wanted to do anything to be taller.

I have always had self esteem issues with my height growing up. And in the winter they hit a peak and I decided you know what there are a lot stories on the internet of how people have grown one way or the other. I decided let me try a routine the worst that could happen is I don’t grow and I go on with my life.

The first month in december 2013 when I saw no height gain from stretching. Not even a millimeter was disheartening. So I went to Walmart grabbed a cheap pair of ankle weights and started sitting with the weights three times a day for about 20 minutes. And in January 2014. I started measuring in at 5’6 5/8 that gave me some encouragement . Even though it was only a millimeter that was the tallest. I had ever been. I seemed to max out with stretching and short ankle weight sessions at 5’6 5/8 so I read up on the old height increase success stories and I saw that a few people incorporated the inversion table.

I really didn’t have the money to shell out for a brand new one. Luckily I live near Chicago and just about everything is plentiful on craigslist. I would do a few minutes of inversion three times a day along with stretching and short ankle weight sessions. And within a week my morning height was up to 5’6 3/4. But for the life of me I just couldn’t seem to get past the 5’6 3/4 mark in the morning.

Hence I became really frustrated started thinking of giving up my height routine all together in march I was happy I had gained a quarter inch in the morning from my start height but to be honest I wasn’t very pleased.

So I decided in march what would happen if I sat through the pain as long as I could with ankle weights.

Typically I would kick the ankle weights off at the first sight of discomfort at the 20-30 minute mark but This time in march I sat through the pain and it could become pretty uncomfortable it feels like your getting a very hard deep stretch that kind of comes in waves of tolerability. I would try to sit through this growth state as long as possible it was probably an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes. I went to measure myself and I was 5’7 1/8. I mean I was ecstatic. I’M a guy that has never touched 5’7 at all to be 5’7 1/8 was just crazy I felt so tall. lol.

So I continued to stretch like this the nect day and I was up to 5’7 1/4. I mean I was jumping off the walls so happy. But for the rest of march and into April my growth was stagnant again It seems I may have topped out at 5’7 3/8 in the morning. Now this hasn’t discouraged me because its made me want to share this with others. Back in december I never really thought I would grow yet here I am 9/8 inch taller in the morning and a 5/8 inch of that came from sitting with the weights.

Basically what I want to see if others could replicate this. Because if I could easily gain 5/8 inch hopefully some others could gain more.

I want to thank you again Michael for all your hard work in this field. I think your doing an incredible job!  Feel free to email me anytime. Sincerely Jake.


Next Message to Us

And I also wanted to add I have a very precise way of measuring. I have a drop ceiling where I fixed a tape measure to be positioned over head in the ceiling. Then I grab a chair and pull the the tape measure down to my head until I find it resting firmly on my head and then I take another tape measure and measure to the point all the while I have huge closets with a mirror so I can be precise and make sure I’m looking straight and not tilting my head.

And also when I started I was becoming discouraged because I wasn’t growing ad fast as I wanted to so I told myself I’ll know I’m making progress if I ever get over 5’7 and I finally did. Its funny the extra inch. has been noticeable to others to the point they thought I had put a lift in my shoes. My brothers are both 5’7-5’8 and I’m right in their range.

And the majority of the height I’ve gained appears to be from my spine. My spine appears to be longer when looking at myself in the mirror. Its almost like my hips to belly looks longer hard to explain but a lot of the pain seems to come in the lower back region to the pelvis area. But that’s all for now.


My Personal Suggestions & Concerns

I felt that it is appropriate to write a post to give some suggestions to Jake, and for anyone who wants to try to increase their height using a combination of ankle weights and inversion tables.

I have tried both ankle weights and inversion tables before in my life, at different times, for a variety of reasons.

Ankle Weights

When I was in Middle School I got ankle weights to practice my vertical jumping height for basketball and running speed using it as a type of resistance training, and ankle weights again in my early 20s to tone my legs. Those ankle weights stayed in a closet or a garage until I tried to wear them for a third time to do intense cardio training. I was lying down on a yoga mat and doing leg kicks and crunches as the same time.

I know for a fact that after just a few tries, I noticed that one of my knees felt like it felt a slight twinge of pain, and the leg felt slightly weak.

After the pain started, I realized that the pain was a sign that I needed to stop doing it. I have seen too many knee injuries and problems with other people to realize that knee problems is very common, and there is not many solutions to fix them. One of my grandmothers in her 70s had no articular cartilage at all in her knees, so the bones were just rubbing against each other. She had been enduring pain for years, if not decades. The result was that she had to get a complete knee replacement. I learned from an early age to be very careful with my knees.

Inversion Table

The inversion table was something I bought when I was obsessed with increasing my height, years ago. I wanted to see whether a few minutes of hanging would increase my height.

The result was that I did increase my height, by 1/4th of an inch, and that was enough for me. The gain in height seemed to have been temporary. If I measured my height immediately after getting off the inversion table, the gain is very visible, but it goes away fast, in a few minutes.

The Lower Back Pain Problem

Somewhere in Jake’s messages, he mentioned something about pain in the lower back, and that is what sort of scares me. I know for a fact that if you try to do inversion too much, the human body will start to snap apart, at the region which is the weakest. Since bones have high tensile loading, it will almost always be in the region in the intersection of bones ie. knees, hips, vertebrate discs, ankles.

It is a well known fact that 50% of All Americans will at some point experience back pain at some point in their lives. (Also, 1/3 American Men will have a diagnosis of Cancer at some point in their lives). Back pain is something I suffer with. It is something my male friends who are the same age aka college buddies I’ve known for over a decade also experience.

I am almost positive that the pain I feel in my lower back which has come and gone throughout my 20s has is origins in me trying to use the inversion table I bought when I was 23-24. The long time duration probably meant that something happened there.

At this point, I would NOT RECOMMEND using ankle weights or inversion tables for only cosmetic reasons. I repeat, DO NOT TRY TO USE THESE MACHINES just for cosmetic reasons because if they are more likely to cause some type of orthopedic problem aka pain which you will never be able to correct and reverse. If you didn’t have a problem before, using them just to become slightly taller is not worth it in my opinion. You will cause a problem where there was none before.

If however you already have a lower back problem, like the guy who created the company Teeter Hang Ups and the inversion devices and traction machines of the company and brand, then it would be a good idea. For that guy, inversion therapy had a beneficial effect alleviating his medical problem of lower back pain. However, most of us who will read this post will most likely be using to increase our heights.

The risks are just too high. What starts off a a twinge of pain in your 20s which comes & goes grows steadily up into a debilitating pain in your 40s, and leaves you crippled in your 50s. The most likely thing is that the orthopedic surgeons will remove the IVD (intervetebral disc) from the vertebrate and fuse the adjacent vertebrate bones together, so the leaking disc stop touching the nerve cords. That means that you are going to loss about 1/4-3/4 of Inch of height in your 50s through lower back spinal disc surgery. By the time you are in your 60s, you are in the bed, and other medical issues like diabetes and high blood pressure will appear since the body is immobile and forced to be in the bed all the time.

My Main Point

I would tell Jake to actually stop doing the exercises because the risks involved are just too high. What might seem like a substantial gain in one’s 20, which is 1 inch of extra height, could be the start & cause of a lot of pain, money spent in physical therapy and seeing orthopedic specialists, and agony later in life for many years, even decades. I know from personal experience, but I learned quickly.

If he already has noticed pain after stopping either of the ankle weights or inversion table, he needs to stop right now.

Disclaimer: As always, I am not a medical professional and I will never pretend to be of any type. This website is run by two guys who are amateur researchers. Everything we say, and what we recommend should be taken with complete scepticism. Use common sense and good judgement. We suggest that everyone who comes on the website understand that they are fully responsible for any problems that might develop from taking our suggestions. Me and my partner will not be held legally or financially responsible for any actions taken by the readers or any crazy, stupid mishaps which might result. 

Proposed Changes On How We Should Be Taking the Glucosamine Sulphate

Proposed Changes On How We Should Be Taking the Glucosamine Sulphate

Glucosamine SulphateAfter my recent trials with taking phenylpiracetam (a derivative of piracetam, which Amazon no longer sell) in my nootropic stack (which includes Omega-3, MK-7 (aka Vitamin K2), Bulletproof Coffee, and Modafinil), I firmly believe that it would probably be a much better idea to be taking all supplements sublingually than through the normal path of swallowing it through the mouth aka ingestion.

Multiple people have stated the side effects of taking Glucosamine Sulphate, liver problems, which I was aware of from the beginning. The Liver, like the kidney, is one of our vital organs, which is a filtration unit. It is used to remove the poisons and unhealthy compounds out of our body. If the liver develops a problem, we can die from it. Alcoholics are well known for developing liver failure after decades of high levels of drinking. In fact, the way college students die from high levels of binge drinking is because liver failure. The thing is that the Liver is part of the digestive system. Almost everything that we swallow will eventually get checked by the Liver to see whether it has any types of poisons.

This is the first big reason why we should chance the way we are taking it. If we can get the compound to the blood stream through a short cut, without it having to go through the digestive system or the liver, which can be damaged through overdose, then we can increase the dosage to a higher and still be relatively okay. 

In addition, our stomachs contain hydrochloric acid with a PH of 1-2 (very strong acid), and a thousands of types of bacteria. The acid and the bacteria have the job of breaking down all the solid foods we ingest. They act almost like a million small teeth, dissolve the hard solid and leaching out the good, useful vitamins and minerals.  (Refer to the Wikipedia article on Gastric Acid). We have a mucuos type of ooze which covers our stomach lining which protects the HCL from dissolving through the stomach membranes. When we feel something like acid reflux, or indigestion, the mucuous of the stomach lining has thinned out, and the strong acid is finally touching the stomach lining.

This means that any pills you swallow is going to have to go through a maze and a battlefield before they ever get to the cartilage or the IVD (intervertebral discs). No matter how well you cover the real active ingredient in a biodegradable polymer material when making the pills, and no matter what type of release mechanics is shown for the polymer cover when we are doing drug release studies (Refer to an example of the pharmaceutical article on how drug release studies on bio-absorbable coating polymer pellets over active compounds), I would guess that 90-95% of all the glucosamine will never reach the articular cartilage or the nucleus pulposus. The trick is to get it to the blood stream as directly as possible

Here is what I am suggesting

If you plan to take any supplements, crush it using a mortar and pestle, or grind it using a coffee grinder, Or mash it with a spoon into fine crumb-like parts. Just break it into small enough pieces which will allow the solid to dissolve easily through a thin layer of epithelial tissue membrane. I suggest again, get the compound grinded into powder or crystal form.

When you have have the pills in that form, put it under your tongue, sublingually. The compounds could be extremely bitter, (which is how the phenylpiracetam tasted like, and even made my tongue numb a few times. Could have been a bad batch. It didn’t work for me though) but it it would reach your blood stream faster, with higher percentage of the Glucosamine Sulphate intact.

Of course, the fastest way is to use a needle & syringe to inject the compound in some non-reactive, saline solution into an artery, but I am guessing few people are going to choose that option.

Click Here to Buy A Low Priced Mortar & Pestle from Amazon

A Side Note

There is a difference between the terms “poisonous” and “venomous”. WIth poison, you can’t ingested it or it will harm/kill you. Poison attacks you through the digestive system. With venom, it works by getting into your blood stream. If it gets into the blood stream, then it will harm you. Some venoms will not harm you if you swallow it.

That is why the Fer-De-Lance Snake, which is supposed to be the most venomous & dangerous snake in South America has a type of venom which you can swallow & ingest. If the venom gets to your blood, you are dead. However, if you ingest the venom to correct for protein deficiency, it won’t be as bad, but could even be slightly beneficial.

This particular side note is to show that the digestive, gastric, approach to take pills and supplements is very inefficient. Taking suppositories in through the anal-rectal and/or genital regions is often done as well (especially for older people who have difficulty swallowing or keeping any type of food down), as a way to let the chemicals get to the blood vessels faster, but few people would want that option.

So the benefits of taking the supplement this way are two-fold.

  1. A much higher percentage of the main active ingredient actually manages to reach the blood stream and to the local active body area you are trying to target.
  2. Since the compound are no longer going to be going through the digestive system, you can increase the dosage of the Glucosamine Sulphate to maybe even 3000 mg per day and will not suffer any type of liver damage.

I am not sure whether increasing the dosage would have increase effects, but this method of getting the supplement will let you increase the dosage to a higher level, than what is normally recommended by any doctor. The only down-side is the taste. Most pills are bitter.

If the primary physiological mechanism or pathway on how a compound is used requires it to go through the blood stream extensively, then it would be much better to just take it sublingually. Crush it, and put it under your tongue.

Again, Here is a Link to Get A Cheap Mortar & Pestle

(That is an affiliate link above so we will probably get $.50-$1.00 for every purchase you make through that link)

Glucosamine Sulphate Helped This Person Grow 5 mm In Height

Glucosamine Sulphate Helped This Person Grow 5 mm In Height

Update April 9th, 2014: It has come to my attention through the comments that many people believe that the 0.5 cm of increase in height is due to measurement error (maybe due to posture changes, hair length, or differences in measuring style) or from the lack of taking into consideration the diurnal variations of height due to IVD/disc/spinal/vertebral compression/decompression through out the day, after one gets out of bed. I would like to believe, that the person who originally gave me the message has been following this website, and understand how height changes throughout the day, to have taken those factors into consideration. If not, then this post would be worthless. I would like a response from the original commenter on it though,  just to give us some type of assurance that they did take those two factors into consideration carefully.

I’ve been really busy this past week so nothing has been written. However, I did want to share this small bit of news for the people who did pull the trigger and try out the glucosamine sulphate. On the viral post This Non-Prescription Supplement Has Been Scientifically Proven To Make You Grow Taller Even With Closed Growth Plates a recent comment made gave the first bit of evidence and validation that at least for some people, the Glucosamine does work.

We clipped the comment and posted it below for you guys to read.

Glucosamine Sulphate

The pictures that they eluded to are also posted below for viewing.



The claim is that they’ve been taking the 1500 mg dosage for 3 weeks. They company he bought it from is called Blackmore’s. We did a little bit of research and it seems that Blackmores is a very reputable vitamins distributor.


I am not exactly sure what the 2nd picture is actually indicating, but I would assume that they are showing a change in height measurements. The picture is just really hazy.

Something that is very concerning is that in the message, they used the term “glory hole” which is a well known term used to refer to something sexual in nature. We are fully aware that the comments could be just a joke made by a person trying to bring our hopes up.

It is completely possible that this claim could be a complete lie and this person is just talking bullshit and making a mockery of the website (and what we are trying to do it), but I am making a choice to report it, since there is a chance that the claim could be true. We will let the normal readers to make a decision on what they think, and let them decide whether they want to try the supplement or not.

If the reader thinks that the claim is legitimate and want to try the supplement out, check it out below It is an affiliate link and the website will get about $1 for every purchase you make from Amazon.

Click here to check out or buy the bottle from the picture, called the Blackmore’s Glucosamine Sulphate at 1500 mg

So What Do Most People Think Of Us And Our Website?

So What Do Most People Think Of Us And Our Website?

The once thing that I promised to all the readers and visitor to this website is that I will be completely honest with them. That is however not the only factor that I try to infuse into this website. There are three main qualities that defines Natural Height Growth, which I as the original creator of the website will always enforce so that the spirit here will last as long as I run this place.

  1. Honesty
  2. Transparency
  3. Fairness

Those are the 3 key principles which I want to use to explain this website. I promise to be absolutely completely honest with the readers, about our research and what we find. I try to document and reference everything so that the people will know where we are getting our sources. And I will give almost anyone a chance. Almost any idea they give me, I will look into and do some serious research into.

Honesty is at the core of everything we do here. If we can’t have this fundamental factor to represent the website, then everything we have talked about is useless then. Trust is the critical part of our relationship with the readers.

Any type of extreme claims will be backed up by real scientific articles and journals. We don’t just make things up, unlike some people.

When I talk about Transparency, it is to show the readers that I am just a normal guy, which a normal life, with desires to become taller (and smarter) so that I can have a higher quality of life. I have a fiance now  (from Korea) and hope to get married in a few years. The reason I ever started this website was a way to build something that might make a real difference to the world. I was left by my first love for a guy who was taller than me so I felt so inadequate. My belief back then, a few years ago, was that if I was taller than this new guy she was with, she would not have left me. Looking back on my thinking process, it doesn’t seem to make much sense now. So that is why I ever even started the website, I wanted to find a way to become taller, so that I could get an old girlfriend back. It is a very personal, selfish reason but I understand now that the pain I went through two years ago was what was needed for me to make the push to create something like this. Pain can be a really good force and catalyst for people to make great changes in their life.

However, this website grew to become too big, and developed a certain type of momentum to grow on its own, and now it has become too big to just drop anymore. And, it also gives me a sense of importance and significance to be working on a scientific problem which is important and has multiple practical implications if we could ever find a solution (of course, I will never guarantee that we will find it, no matter how hard we try). As for the scientific posts, what I find, I report, completely and try my best to omit nothing. I give my own opinions, but want the readers to reach their own opinions. No one should listen to another one else with complete blind faith. Critical thinking, being sceptical, is important since we can often get cause in our own lies which we tell even to ourselves. I might make a stupid claim at some point which most people will realize is stupid and obviously wrong, which happens very often. I make a lot of mistakes.

When I say Fairness, it means that I give everyone a chance. Not matter what type of new idea or technique is claimed, I would give it some thought and take an honest real look at it. If it is a supplement claiming to help people grow taller, I want to really study the ingredient list. If they did something wrong and lied about something, I give them the benefit of the doubt and give them a 2nd chance to redeem themselves. Everyone makes mistakes, especially if they are trying to make money from the internet. Some people tell white lies, and other people tell half-lies or omit critical information. However, that is what people do so often.

Here are the mistakes I have made and lies I have told you the readers.

  • When I first started the website, I wanted to make everything completely open and free. That did not succeed, since Cease & Desist Letters, legal issues, and patent right issues, and requests by original content creators (like by Zixa from The Qigong Method) has led me to set to private certain parts of the website.
  • I promised that I would not try to make money from the website and not put advertisement on the website. This promise I completely failed on. (Maybe I became too greedy and lost my way a little in the path. I fully admit that I am human with my faults, failing to resist against greed, lust, sloth, pride, and the other sins)
  • I decided back in the middle of 2013 to add Google Adsense to monetize this website to earn some extra income from ads. In addition, I have joined the Amazon Associates Affiliate program to earn some other income. When you see a link to any product that might be sold on Amazon, it is probably an affiliate link. You can hold your arrow icon over the link and it will show you whether the link is an affiliate link or not.
  • As a small business owner, I would love to make this website my full time job. That would be a dream for me. How cool would that be? 🙂
  • Money does play a factor in the decisions I make, and the implementation of the Adsense and Affiliate programs is what has resulted. Of course, you don’t have to ever buy anything through those links. They are only suggestions, which help out. Most of the time, the website just gets $1 for every purchase you guys make, so it is not like I am getting rich from it.

Let me show you guys one of the first real followers of the website and readers of the website who contacted us. His name is Abel Csabai. He is a Hungarian who was when I first met him going to University in the Netherlands. He is around 183.0-185.0 tall, which is not short, but when you are living in the Netherlands, you might feel quite short in comparison. We even communicated through Skype once and I might have helped him with his Chemistry Lab Homework on how to us Beer’s Law to set up and figure out a refraction problem.

His level of honesty in showing his opinions without pretense is something which is lacking. We found his original videos and posted them below to show what he was really thinking. You can watch both of his videos he had uploaded.

On another side note: He also shared his interest in improving our brains, when my suggestion for him to follow Dave Asprey of the Bulletproof Executive made him sort of a fan. He even found out how tall Dave was, 6′ 4″. It might have been his listening of the podcast episodes that he found out about Dr. D’ Agostino.

After a quick search on Youtube, we found that this audio interview with Dr. Dominic D’ Agostino might have also been done by him. Dr. D’Agostino was in fact on a Podcast Interview on the Bulletproof Executive so there is a 2nd connection. (Listen to the Podcast Episode Here). His talk on the use of ketosis therapies to treat Alzheimer’s and cancer using MCT Oil was fascinating.

Update #13 – Taking Nootropic Stacks With Phenylpiracetam, Modafinil, and Centrophenoxine – April 1st, 2014

Update #13 – Taking Nootropic Stacks With Phenylpiracetam, Modafinil, and Centrophenoxine – April 1st, 2014

Nootropic StacksThis last month has been a whirlwind of activity in my life as I came back to the USA. Immediately after I came back, I decided to increase my level of focus and effort in building up my businesses as well as increase my cognitive abilities. For a while now, I’ve been getting into looking into what types of compounds are available to increase my cognitive abilities. It is one of my side interests. As we grow older, our bodies do more than just get shorter, but also loss the mental edge as well.

After spending a few days of research, I bought the following compounds & supplements for my brain….

  • Phenylpiracetam – (by LIFTMODE) at 5 gramsBought this from Amazon Here
  • Modafinil – From the website – got the 120 pack for 8 weeks at around $160- (Buy it Here)
  • Centrophenoxine – (60 pills at 500 mg each) – From Neuro Glow – Bought it from Amazon here
  • Choline – This is the prevent the headaches that might start from taking the Phenylpiracetam alone – Bought it Here
  • Bulletproof Coffee Pack – The pack includes the 100% C-8 MCT Upgraded Brain Octane Oil – Buy it Here
  • Omega-3 (Triple Strength) – at 1250 mg – Omega-3 has a synergistic effect with Glucosamine Sulfate to decrease inflammations – Bought it Here
  • Vitamin K2 (MK-7 Version) – 100 mcg per pill – This is supposed to be able to reserve small cavities – Bought it Here
  • Creatine 4200 from MET-Rx at 120 pills – Creatine has been shown to actually increase IQ by upwards of even 15 points – Got it Here

A Few Important Notes:

  • To do the Bulletproof Coffee taking the right way, combine it with a piece of Grass Fed Butter.
  • For the Phenylpiracetam, it will come with a blue and a white scoop spoon. The white spoon filled to the brim using the crystal type will be approximately 100 mg, which is the recommended dosage for people starting out.
  • Put the crystals under your tongue, sublingually, NOT on top of your tongue. It is bitter and your saliva does often build up.

The Modafinil I bought from hasn’t arrived yet but I sort of expected it since that shipment requires a lot of time. Some people have said that customs have taken them before so I am not going to get too upset if the Modafinil never arrives and I get some note in my PO Box saying that they took it away because it is some type of dangerous substance, which it is not.

Short Review On The PhenylPiracetam: It is not as good as I hoped, and it did not give me any type of headache so the Choline was not really needed. It took me a while to find Choline in the local drugstores and even the pharmacist behind the counter did not know what Choline was. Don’t go to the local drugstore because they are not going to have it. I tried. Get it online. It is surprising since most people have heard of one of the neurotransmitters known as Acetylcholine, which is just choline with an Acetyl chain attached to it. My brain seemed to work better with the Bulletproof Coffee with the C-8 MCT, combined with Omega-3 and the Centrophenoxine. That is sort of expected since the phenylpiracetam doesn’t work on everyone. I guess my brain chemistry is just different. Based on the fact on how the blood-brain barrier is so secure to prevent things from getting into the brain and the CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid), I am not sure if it is even possible for the piracetam molecule to get through the brain-blood barrier.

LIFTMODE Piracetam

In addition, I have also started to rewire my brain using a different way to type. I’ve gotten into learning to type on my Apple Macbook Air in a different way to make me faster and have less typing mistakes. I’ve now bought the Dvorak Keyboard Cover for my Macbook Air from Amazon. It took me about 5 days to retrain my brain to type differently. The process is still quite slow…

Dvorak Keyboard Cover

Weight Changes: As for my weight, I’ve dropped from over 210 down to about 199 in a matter of 2 weeks. I completely cut out carbohydrates from my diet. I sold my car the last time I left the USA so I bought a Diamondback Bike (21 speed), and now every day ride the bike to the local Whole Foods for every meal to get some eggs, chicken, ham, and beans for my meals. My friend has also been getting me into doing these 7 mile runs late at night which has been very painful.

Health: The exercise and lifestyle changes have been wonderful but I’ve combined it all with half a cup of red wine (Pinot Noir) every night. The reservatrol inside the red grapes which are processed with the skin on is what gives the red wine so many heart health benefits. I haven’t checked my blood pressure readings recently but I am sure that it has been helped by the small amount of red wine. In my opinion, the benefits of the alcohol outweigh the problems.

Height Changes: My hair has grown too long for me to make any accurate measurements. I plan to shave my head in a few days so I might be able to tell by then. Once I find a more permanent place to stay in the greater Seattle Area, I will really start to kick the research into gear. Right now, I’m still searching for a place to live, so that is still ongoing.

Updates to the Website: The recent post about Lance Ward and the Ayurvedic Urea has caused a stir. Lance has contacted us and asked that the post be taken down. We have asked that he come on the podcast to explain himself and why he was trying to promote that product so forcefully.

There has been three people I’ve tried to get into contact with to come on the podcast this month

  • Dameon of the forum
  • Niza from Youtube to explain his technique on angular loading for LSJL
  • Lance Ward as a reply to his message to us abut taking down the post (at this time, we did take it down to show that we are willing to be civil)

So far none of them has agreed to come on the podcast for an interview yet, but I will cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Why You Need To Take Omega-3 Containing Docosahexaenoic Acid With Your Glucosamine Sulfate

Why You Need To Take Omega-3 Containing Docosahexaenoic Acid With Your Glucosamine Sulfate

In a very popular post I did last month, I had shown with very clear evidence in a randomized, double-blind study that Glucosamine Sulfate did indeed increase the height in adults with fully fused growth plates. However, the increase is not really that much. On average, the subjects (only a few dozen) averaged about 3-4 mm of height increase. My claim at the end is that for some people who combine the supplement with stretching, they can go as high as 3 cm.

Now I have found evidence that shows that for the Glucosamine Sulfate to work effectively, or even work synergistically and have an improved effectiveness, it is a good idea to mix it with another type of supplement that is easily found in any local drug store (or you buy it online).

That supplement is Omega-3.

We have already started to get emails from people saying that after taking the Glucosamine Sulphate for 8 weeks consistently, they did not notice any results. That is to be expected for most people.

For most people, the Glucosamine Sulphate, which is the closest thing we have ever found to being a magic pill, will not work. If the supplement did work, it won’t work as well as most of us hoped for. Let’s remember that the original study I showed the readers, “Effects of Glucosamine Sulphate on Spinal Height: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo Controlled Pilot Study” had been referenced in a very popular well known UK based website, TheDaily.UK

The source is valid, but the average gain was just 3 mm. That was how much I gained as well, but it took 2 weeks. 3 mm is extremely hard to notice, unless you shave your hair, and perfect your measuring practice, which I did. Yes, some people noticed gains of even 3 cms, but those cases are very, very rare. however, they do happen.

When it doesn’t work, don’t be too disappointed, since the most likely outcome is that it won’t work, for the majority of people who try it. For some people (I am guessing most likely females) there will be noticeable results.

Here is where I am going to suggest adding something with the Glucosamine Sulphate to create a much more effective oral supplement mixture. Add it with the Omega-3 Supplement.

The studies I will reference are “Effect of glucosamine sulfate with or without omega-3 fatty acids in patients with osteoarthritis” & “Effects of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate on Cartilage Metabolism in OA: Outlook on Other Nutrient Partners Especially Omega-3 Fatty Acids” (Did not link to them but you can google the terms to get the full study)

In the studies, the researchers noticed that the combination of Glucosamine with Omega-3 worked much better at treating the pain of osteoarthritic than just Glucosamine. There is a unique synergistic mechanism that causes the two common supplements to work together.

From a completely logical point of view, It would be wrong of me to assume that any compound that can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis will have potentially height increasing effects. However, it wouldn’t hurt to take at least one more supplement with the original supplement. Omega-3 supposedly is good for cognitive function as well.

I am not sure I am willing to say that orally ingesting the Omega-3 will finally give the height increase people are hoping with, but it seems to have some type of effect on the Glucosamine Sulphate which makes the effects stronger and more pronounced.